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How to use the sap.ndc.BarcodeScanner in Neptune DXP (SAP Edition)

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In SAPUI5 we have the sap.ndc.BarcodeScanner control that enables us to scan barcodes from a selected image or the device camera.

Today I want to share a basic example on how to use it in Neptune DXP.

How to use the sap.ndc.BarcodeScanner in Neptune DXP

Working in the App Designer

  • Create a new application, the App Designer structure will be like this
App Designer structure
  • In a page add a sap.m.VBox with this properties
New sap.m.VBox
  • Inside the VBox element add a sap.m.Avatar and set this properties
New sap.m.Avatar
  • In the initialize script use the following code to load the control
neptune.Shell.attachInit(function(data, navObj) {
    // load the sap.ndc.BarcodeScanner control
  • In the Avatar press event call the scan method
    function(result) {
        // process scan result"BarcodeScanner Result: " + result.text);
    function(err) {
        // handle scan error
        console.log("BarcodeScanner Error: " + err);
    function(result) {
        // handle input dialog change
        console.log("Input dialog change: " + result);

How it works

In the initialize script the sap.ndc.BarcodeScanner control is loaded.

When the user clicks on the Avatar element the device camera is opened and ready to scan.

What's next

  • The code can be improved and readapted for specific scenarios
  • The scan method returns other barcode informations like the format
  • Other methods can be used checking the API Reference


Hope this helps

Happy scanning!