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How to enable Drag and Drop from List to Planning Calendar

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In the Planning Calendar element we can enable the Drag and Drop functionality to move appointments between rows and columns.

It can be done using the enableAppointmentsDragAndDrop property (PlanningCalendarRow).

Today I want to share instead how to enable the Drag and Drop from List to Planning Calendar in order to create new appointments.

Enable Drag and Drop from List to Planning Calendar

Working in the App Designer

  • Open the Header section and paste the following code to include the moment.js library in our application
<script src="">
  • In my example I created a new sap.ui.layout.Splitter element inside the Page
  • In the Splitter element add the following elements: sap.ui.layout.SplitterLayoutData, sap.m.PlanningCalendar and sap.m.List
App Designer structure
  • Select now the SplitterLayoutData element and assign the Attach to field to the List, then set 200px to the size property
SplitterLayoutData properties
  • Open the PlanningCalendar properties, set the Model Source as Generic Array, assign showIntervalHeaders to false and create a new styleClass (planningCalendarStyle)
PlanningCalendar properties
  • Select the List element, set also here the Model Source as Generic Array and create a new styleClass (listActivitiesStyle)
List properties
  • Inside the List add the following elements: sap.ui.core.dnd.DragDropInfo and sap.m.StandardListItem
List content
  • The App Designer structure should be like that
App Designer structure
  • Open the DragDropInfo properties and set the dropEffect to Copy, sourceAggregation and targetAggregation to items
List content
  • In the drop event use the following code
// get source row data
let sourceData = oEvent.getParameter("draggedControl").getBindingContext().getObject();
// get target object (planning calendar table items)
let targetObj = oEvent.getParameter("droppedControl");
let calendarRow = "";
let rowStartDate = "";
let browserEvent = oEvent.mParameters.browserEvent;
// get from browser event the div html target element (interval)
let browserTarget = "";
let intervalNumber = "";
if ( {
    browserTarget =;
    if ( {
        // each div id contains CalRow-AppsInt + index
        if ("CalRow-AppsInt") !== -1) {
             intervalNumber ="CalRow-AppsInt")[1];
// get the calendar row start date
if (targetObj.getAggregation("cells").length > 1) {
    calendarRow = targetObj.getAggregation("cells")[1];
    if (calendarRow) {
        rowStartDate = calendarRow.getStartDate();
// sum to the calendar row start date the interval number required
if (intervalNumber && calendarRow && rowStartDate) {
    let appointmentDate = moment(rowStartDate)
      .add(intervalNumber, "days")

    let calendarRowObj = targetObj.sId
        ? sap.ui.getCore().byId(targetObj.sId.replace("-CLI", ""))
        : null;
    if (calendarRowObj) {
        let indexOfRow = planningCalendar.indexOfRow(calendarRowObj);
        if (indexOfRow !== "") {
            let dataPlanningCalendar = modelplanningCalendar.getData();
            if (dataPlanningCalendar.people[indexOfRow]) {
                     icon: sourceData.icon,
                     startDate: new Date(appointmentDate + "T00:00:00"),
                     endDate: new Date(appointmentDate + "T23:59:59"),
                     title: sourceData.title,
                     description: sourceData.description,
  • Select now the StandardListItem element, assign highlight to Indication01 and bind the icon and title properties
StandardListItem properties
  • In the initialize Script use the following JavaScript code
try {
     sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function (startParams) {
        // set the dragDropInfo target element
        dragDropInfo.setTargetElement(planningCalendar.sId + "-Table");
        // populate the planning calendar
            people: [
                     icon: "",
                     title: "Fabrizio Pace",
                     appointments: [],
                     icon: "sap-icon://sap-ui5",
                     title: "People 2",
                     appointments: [],
                     icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/user-secret",
                    title: "People 3",
                     appointments: [],
                     icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/basketball-ball",
                     title: "People 4",
                     appointments: [],
                     icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/motorcycle",
                     title: "People 5",
                     appointments: [],
        // create planning calendar row template
        // and bind appointments aggregation
        let planningCalendarRowTemplate = new sap.m.PlanningCalendarRow({
            title: "{title}",
            icon: "{icon}",
         }).bindAggregation("appointments", {
            path: "appointments",
            template: new sap.ui.unified.CalendarAppointment({
                 startDate: "{startDate}",
                 endDate: "{endDate}",
                title: "{title}",
                 description: "{description}",
                icon: "{icon}",
            templateShareable: false,
        // bind rows aggregation
         planningCalendar.bindAggregation("rows", {
            path: "/people",
            template: planningCalendarRowTemplate,
            templateShareable: false,
        // add calendar view (days)
            new sap.m.PlanningCalendarView({
                key: "D",
                 intervalType: "Day",
                 description: "days view",
                 intervalsS: 1,
                 intervalsM: 3,
                 intervalsL: 7,
        // populate the list
                title: "Meeting",
                description: "N",
                icon: "sap-icon://meeting-room",
                title: "Webinar",
                description: "E",
                icon: "sap-icon://fa-brands/slideshare",
                title: "Lunch",
                description: "P",
                icon: "sap-icon://meal",
                title: "Coding",
                description: "T",
                icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/code",
                title: "Demo",
                description: "U",
                icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/chalkboard-teacher",
                title: "Go-Live",
                description: "N",
                icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/calendar-check",
                title: "Discussion",
                description: "E",
                icon: "sap-icon://discussion",
                title: "Travel",
                description: "R",
                icon: "sap-icon://travel-itinerary",
                title: "Shopping",
                description: "O",
                icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/dollar-sign",
                title: "Family",
                description: "C",
                icon: "sap-icon://family-care",
                title: "Dinner",
                description: "K",
                icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/glass-martini-alt",
                title: "Weekend",
                description: "S",
                icon: "sap-icon://fa-regular/sun",
                title: "Holiday",
                description: "!",
                icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/umbrella-beach",
} catch (err) {

Bonus (CSS)

In addition I used some CSS code in the app, this step is not required but feel free to use if you want:

  • added two animations (fade-in and slide-right) when the appointments are rendered in the Planning Calendar;
  • in appointments description text (Neptune Rocks!) I used the Tokyo Tower photo taken by me on my first trip in Japan :)
@keyframes appointmentFadeIn {
    0% {
        opacity: 0;
    100% {
        opacity: 1;
@keyframes descrSlideRight {
    0% {
        width: 0%;
    100% {
        width: 100%;
.planningCalendarStyle.sapMPlanCal .sapMListTbl 
.sapMSLIImgIcon.sapUiIcon:not(.sapMLIBImgNav):not(.sapMBtnIcon) {
    font-size: 1.5rem;
    border-radius: 100%;
    color: white;
    background: #34495e;
.planningCalendarStyle .sapUiCalendarApp {
    background-color: rgba(38 38 38);
    border-left-color: #f6b221;
    opacity: 0;
    animation: 1s 1 forwards appointmentFadeIn;
.planningCalendarStyle .sapUiCalendarAppDescription {
    font-size: 36px;
    font-family: fantasy;
    text-align: right;
     -webkit-background-clip: text;
     -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
     background-position: 375px;
    background-image: url(;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    right: 0;
.planningCalendarStyle .sapUiCalendarRowApps .sapUiCalendarApp .sapUiCalendarAppCont {
    width: 0%;
    animation: 1s 1 forwards descrSlideRight;
    border-color: transparent;
.listActivitiesStyle .sapMLIBHighlight {
    background-color: #f6b221;

How it works

In the initialize script we set the dragDropInfo target element and populate the List and the Planning Calendar with some example data, then in the drop event we create a new appointment based on the dragged and dropped controls informations.


Here we can see the result:

Enable Drag and Drop from List to Planning Calendar

What's next

  • The JavaScript / CSS code can be improved and readapted for specific scenarios
  • Tables can be created in Planet 9 to save the changes done in the Planning Calendar

Hope this helps

Happy coding!