In the Planning Calendar element we can enable the Drag and Drop functionality to move appointments between rows and columns.
It can be done using the enableAppointmentsDragAndDrop property (PlanningCalendarRow).
Today I want to share instead how to enable the Drag and Drop from List to Planning Calendar in order to create new appointments.
![Enable Drag and Drop from List to Planning Calendar](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/1.gif)
- Open the Header section and paste the following code to include the moment.js library in our application
<script src="">
- In my example I created a new sap.ui.layout.Splitter element inside the Page
- In the Splitter element add the following elements: sap.ui.layout.SplitterLayoutData, sap.m.PlanningCalendar and sap.m.List
![App Designer structure](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/2.png)
- Select now the SplitterLayoutData element and assign the Attach to field to the List, then set 200px to the size property
![SplitterLayoutData properties](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/3.png)
- Open the PlanningCalendar properties, set the Model Source as Generic Array, assign showIntervalHeaders to false and create a new styleClass (planningCalendarStyle)
![PlanningCalendar properties](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/4.png)
- Select the List element, set also here the Model Source as Generic Array and create a new styleClass (listActivitiesStyle)
![List properties](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/5.png)
- Inside the List add the following elements: sap.ui.core.dnd.DragDropInfo and sap.m.StandardListItem
![List content](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/6.png)
- The App Designer structure should be like that
![App Designer structure](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/7.png)
- Open the DragDropInfo properties and set the dropEffect to Copy, sourceAggregation and targetAggregation to items
![List content](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/8.png)
- In the drop event use the following code
// get source row data
let sourceData = oEvent.getParameter("draggedControl").getBindingContext().getObject();
// get target object (planning calendar table items)
let targetObj = oEvent.getParameter("droppedControl");
let calendarRow = "";
let rowStartDate = "";
let browserEvent = oEvent.mParameters.browserEvent;
// get from browser event the div html target element (interval)
let browserTarget = "";
let intervalNumber = "";
if ( {
browserTarget =;
if ( {
// each div id contains CalRow-AppsInt + index
if ("CalRow-AppsInt") !== -1) {
intervalNumber ="CalRow-AppsInt")[1];
// get the calendar row start date
if (targetObj.getAggregation("cells").length > 1) {
calendarRow = targetObj.getAggregation("cells")[1];
if (calendarRow) {
rowStartDate = calendarRow.getStartDate();
// sum to the calendar row start date the interval number required
if (intervalNumber && calendarRow && rowStartDate) {
let appointmentDate = moment(rowStartDate)
.add(intervalNumber, "days")
let calendarRowObj = targetObj.sId
? sap.ui.getCore().byId(targetObj.sId.replace("-CLI", ""))
: null;
if (calendarRowObj) {
let indexOfRow = planningCalendar.indexOfRow(calendarRowObj);
if (indexOfRow !== "") {
let dataPlanningCalendar = modelplanningCalendar.getData();
if (dataPlanningCalendar.people[indexOfRow]) {
icon: sourceData.icon,
startDate: new Date(appointmentDate + "T00:00:00"),
endDate: new Date(appointmentDate + "T23:59:59"),
title: sourceData.title,
description: sourceData.description,
- Select now the StandardListItem element, assign highlight to Indication01 and bind the icon and title properties
![StandardListItem properties](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/9.png)
- In the initialize Script use the following JavaScript code
try {
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function (startParams) {
// set the dragDropInfo target element
dragDropInfo.setTargetElement(planningCalendar.sId + "-Table");
// populate the planning calendar
people: [
icon: "",
title: "Fabrizio Pace",
appointments: [],
icon: "sap-icon://sap-ui5",
title: "People 2",
appointments: [],
icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/user-secret",
title: "People 3",
appointments: [],
icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/basketball-ball",
title: "People 4",
appointments: [],
icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/motorcycle",
title: "People 5",
appointments: [],
// create planning calendar row template
// and bind appointments aggregation
let planningCalendarRowTemplate = new sap.m.PlanningCalendarRow({
title: "{title}",
icon: "{icon}",
}).bindAggregation("appointments", {
path: "appointments",
template: new sap.ui.unified.CalendarAppointment({
startDate: "{startDate}",
endDate: "{endDate}",
title: "{title}",
description: "{description}",
icon: "{icon}",
templateShareable: false,
// bind rows aggregation
planningCalendar.bindAggregation("rows", {
path: "/people",
template: planningCalendarRowTemplate,
templateShareable: false,
// add calendar view (days)
new sap.m.PlanningCalendarView({
key: "D",
intervalType: "Day",
description: "days view",
intervalsS: 1,
intervalsM: 3,
intervalsL: 7,
// populate the list
title: "Meeting",
description: "N",
icon: "sap-icon://meeting-room",
title: "Webinar",
description: "E",
icon: "sap-icon://fa-brands/slideshare",
title: "Lunch",
description: "P",
icon: "sap-icon://meal",
title: "Coding",
description: "T",
icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/code",
title: "Demo",
description: "U",
icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/chalkboard-teacher",
title: "Go-Live",
description: "N",
icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/calendar-check",
title: "Discussion",
description: "E",
icon: "sap-icon://discussion",
title: "Travel",
description: "R",
icon: "sap-icon://travel-itinerary",
title: "Shopping",
description: "O",
icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/dollar-sign",
title: "Family",
description: "C",
icon: "sap-icon://family-care",
title: "Dinner",
description: "K",
icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/glass-martini-alt",
title: "Weekend",
description: "S",
icon: "sap-icon://fa-regular/sun",
title: "Holiday",
description: "!",
icon: "sap-icon://fa-solid/umbrella-beach",
} catch (err) {
In addition I used some CSS code in the app, this step is not required but feel free to use if you want:
- added two animations (fade-in and slide-right) when the appointments are rendered in the Planning Calendar;
- in appointments description text (Neptune Rocks!) I used the Tokyo Tower photo taken by me on my first trip in Japan :)
@keyframes appointmentFadeIn {
0% {
opacity: 0;
100% {
opacity: 1;
@keyframes descrSlideRight {
0% {
width: 0%;
100% {
width: 100%;
.planningCalendarStyle.sapMPlanCal .sapMListTbl
.sapMSLIImgIcon.sapUiIcon:not(.sapMLIBImgNav):not(.sapMBtnIcon) {
font-size: 1.5rem;
border-radius: 100%;
color: white;
background: #34495e;
.planningCalendarStyle .sapUiCalendarApp {
background-color: rgba(38 38 38);
border-left-color: #f6b221;
opacity: 0;
animation: 1s 1 forwards appointmentFadeIn;
.planningCalendarStyle .sapUiCalendarAppDescription {
font-size: 36px;
font-family: fantasy;
text-align: right;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
background-position: 375px;
background-image: url(;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
.planningCalendarStyle .sapUiCalendarRowApps .sapUiCalendarApp .sapUiCalendarAppCont {
width: 0%;
animation: 1s 1 forwards descrSlideRight;
border-color: transparent;
.listActivitiesStyle .sapMLIBHighlight {
background-color: #f6b221;
In the initialize script we set the dragDropInfo target element and populate the List and the Planning Calendar with some example data, then in the drop event we create a new appointment based on the dragged and dropped controls informations.
Here we can see the result:
![Enable Drag and Drop from List to Planning Calendar](/images/how-to-enable-drag-and-drop-from-list-to-planning-calendar/10.gif)
- The JavaScript / CSS code can be improved and readapted for specific scenarios
- Tables can be created in Planet 9 to save the changes done in the Planning Calendar
Hope this helps
Happy coding!